Duane Michals project
It’s a truism often quoted that a picture is worth a thousand words. Certainly a single picture or photograph can convey a huge amount of information. It’s also true that a photograph is a two dimensional representation of the world, and both literally and often metaphorically lacks depth .Duane Michals (b. 1932, McKeesport, PA) provides us, perhaps with an extension of conventional photographs by the use of sequences of photographs, multiple exposures, and by the use of text in his work.
Michals became well-known in the 1960’s – a period heavily influenced by photojournalism. Michals used photography to communicate narratives, often in a frame by frame sequence similar to cinema or a storyboard. Like a storyboard, Michals added text to the image to convey added meaning to the work, Rather than a simple explanation of the work, the added text was often of an enigmatic or philosophical nature, adding meaning that could not be inferred from the image, itself.
So this project is take an image an add text to it in the style of Duane Michals. The object is to add information that the viewer cannot infer from the image itself.
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